
Judge Lauck Schedule for 02/12/2025 to 02/19/2025

A motion for attorney admission can not be made at the time scheduled for a jury trial, pretrial or final pretrial conference, settlement conference, or before a U.S. Magistrate Judge.
Note: Court schedules are updated every two hours from 7:30 am to 9:30 pm. Last Update: Wed Feb 12 19:28:37 2025

02/13/25 11:00 am Richmond 3:17 cr 50 USA vs Merritte Revocation Superv Rls Maurice Merritte Richmond Court Room 6100
02/19/25 11:00 am Norfolk 2:19 cr 164 USA vs Evans Revocation Superv Rls Corey Evans Richmond Court Room 6100
02/19/25 2:00 pm Richmond 3:23 cr 160 USA vs Barfield Status Conference Trevon Barfield Richmond Court Room 6100
02/19/25 2:30 pm Richmond 3:25 cr 12 USA vs Lofton Arraignment Rashon Lofton Richmond Court Room 6100