
Judge Vaala Schedule for 01/27/2025 to 01/31/2025

Note: This calendar does not reflect cases heard by all judges. For information on any case not listed, please contact the Clerk's Office at 703-299-2101 (Civil) or 703-299-2102 (Criminal). Once a matter has been resolved, the hearing will no longer appear on this schedule.
Note: Court schedules are updated every two hours from 7:30 am to 9:30 pm. Last Update: Sat Jan 25 21:28:37 2025

DateTimeDivisionCaseTitlePurposePartiesCourt Room
01/27/25 10:00 am Alexandria 1:25 mj 17 USA vs Stref Initial Appearance Scott Stref Alexandria Court Room 501
01/27/25 10:00 am Alexandria 1:25 mj 18 USA vs Richardson Initial Appearance Walter Richardson Alexandria Court Room 501
01/27/25 10:00 am Alexandria 1:25 mj 19 USA vs Petzold Initial Appearance Peyton Petzold Alexandria Court Room 501
01/27/25 10:00 am Alexandria 1:25 mj 20 USA vs Lavallee Initial Appearance Kayla Lavallee Alexandria Court Room 501
01/27/25 10:00 am Alexandria 1:25 mj 21 USA vs Duprey Initial Appearance Lester Duprey Alexandria Court Room 501
01/27/25 10:00 am Alexandria 1:25 mj 22 USA vs Copeland Initial Appearance Keara Copeland Alexandria Court Room 501
01/27/25 10:00 am Alexandria 1:25 mj 23 USA vs Coleman Initial Appearance Marquale Coleman Alexandria Court Room 501
01/27/25 10:00 am Alexandria 1:24 mj 452 USA vs Davenport Status Conference Arthur Davenport Alexandria Court Room 501
01/27/25 10:00 am Alexandria 1:24 mj 477 USA vs Bangura Status Conference Mariatu Bangura Alexandria Court Room 501
01/27/25 10:00 am Alexandria 1:24 mj 517 USA vs Brown Initial Appearance Robert Brown Alexandria Court Room 501
01/28/25 1:00 pm Alexandria 1:24 cv 151 State of Rhode Island Office of the General Treasu vs The Boeing Company Status Conference All Alexandria Court Room 501
01/29/25 11:00 am Alexandria 1:24 cv 2209 Seneca Resources, LLC vs Murphy Initial Pretrial Conference All Alexandria Court Room 501